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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. 联系健身娱乐中心前台的电话号码是多少?
  2. 谁有资格购买健身和娱乐中心的会员资格?
  3. 购买健身和娱乐中心的会员资格后, how long does my active membership last?
  4. 十大外围足彩网站排行榜的校友可以使用健身和娱乐中心吗?
  5. Is there still a dress code at the new fitness center?
  6. 奥林匹克举重或综合健身允许在健身和娱乐中心?
  7. What are the policies for the Fitness and Recreation Center?  
  8. Why do I need my Spartan Card to use the Fitness Center?  
  9. How do I get a job within the Campus Recreation Department?  
  10. 我有兴趣成为一名私人教练或团体健身教练. What are the steps to applying for either of these positions?  
  11. 我在哪里可以找到更多关于成为十大足彩平台团体健身教练或私人教练的信息?  
  12. Does 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 host certification courses?  
  13. How much does it cost to attend group fitness classes?  
  14. How do I obtain a personal trainer?  
  15. Where can I find information on hours and use of the pool?  
  16. How far is it around the track?  
  17. How do I play intramural sports?  
  18. I want to play intramural sports but don't have a team. Is there a way I can still play?
  19. What off-campus trips are available?  
  20. How do I start a club sport?
  21. How do I reserve space in the Cass Gymnasium?
  22. Where is the Cass Gymnasium?

1. 联系健身娱乐中心前台的电话号码是多少? | Back to top.
(813) 258-7435

2. 谁有资格购买健身和娱乐中心的会员资格? | Back to top.
十大外围足彩网站排行榜 undergraduate and graduate students, both part-time or full-time, 获得免费的年度会员资格,可以使用健身和娱乐中心. 德克萨斯大学的学生每次访问该设施时都需要携带有效的斯巴达身份证.

十大外围足彩网站排行榜的教职员工可以花100美元购买健身和娱乐中心的年度会员资格. 附属或签约的大学员工可以花250美元购买年度会员资格. 您可持有效的斯巴达身份证到健身娱乐中心前台办理会员登记手续. 请注意:只接受现金或支票付款.

Anyone with a membership is able to bring up to three guests, aged 16 or above, per visit into the facility with them. 一天的客人通行证是10美元,可以用现金或支票支付. 接待成员必须与客人一起出现在设施中, 客人必须遵守酒店的所有政策和程序.

3. 购买健身和娱乐中心的会员资格后, how long does my active membership last? | Back to top.
只要你注册了十大外围足彩网站排行榜的课程,学生会员资格就会一直有效. 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 faculty and staff memberships are sold on an annual basis. 因此,会员资格自购买之日起365天内有效.

4. 十大外围足彩网站排行榜校友可以使用健身和娱乐中心吗? | Back to top.
No. At this time, 校园娱乐十大足彩平台人员无法预测当前十大外围足彩网站排行榜校园社区的设施使用情况. We must evaluate staffing models, 设备的使用和课堂的参与,也考虑到停车在我们不断发展的校园. 如有进一步查询,请向克里斯托弗·戈特利克咨询 cgottlick@tiemles.com.

5. Is there still a dress code at the new fitness center? | Back to top.
Yes, there is a dress code. 所有参加者必须穿著运动服(无钮扣), 拉链或可能损坏设备的硬件)和紧脚趾的运动鞋. Tops and bottoms are required at all times.

6. 奥林匹克举重或综合健身允许在健身和娱乐中心? | Back to top.
所有的奥林匹克举重比赛都必须在升降台上进行. Please use caution and be mindful of others. 请记住,禁止从膝盖以上的地方放下重物. 

7. What are the policies for the Fitness and Recreation Center? | Back to top.
健身中心有适当的政策,以确保顾客的安全,并保持我们的设施运行在最佳质量. Please refer to the Fitness Center Policies for further detail.

8. Why do I need my Spartan Card to use the Fitness Center? | Back to top.
这是大学的政策,所有在校学生在任何时候都要携带十大外围足彩网站排行榜的身份证明. 这也是我们跟踪用户和维护健身设施安全的一种方式.


9. How do I get a job within the Campus Recreation Department? | Back to top.
办公室通常会在每个学期结束时进行招聘. From time to time there may be openings during the semester. More details can be found on our Employment Opportunities page and on HIRE-十大外围足彩网站排行榜.

10. 我有兴趣成为一名私人教练或团体健身教练. What are the steps to applying for either of these positions? | Back to top.

  • 需要国家认可和认可的认证.
  • 目前十大足彩平台的学生有必要的证书优先考虑.
  • 一年以上的健康和健身团体健身教练经验,或攻读运动科学学位者优先.
  • Current certification in CPR is required.
  • Ability to instruct at least two group fitness class per week.
  • Contact Abby McElligott at amcelligott@tiemles.com with any questions

11. 我在哪里可以找到更多关于成为十大足彩平台团体健身教练或私人教练的信息? | Back to top.
更多关于成为私人教练或团体健身教练的信息可以在 Employment Opportunities page. 学生必须填写一份就业申请,才能被考虑申请任何一个职位. 申请前请先阅读职位描述.

12. Does 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 host certification courses? | Back to top.
Yes, 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 does offer certification courses in personal training, group fitness instruction and specialty courses. Please check back for details.

13. How much does it cost to attend group fitness classes? | Back to top.
Once an annual membership is purchased, all group fitness class are free to the 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 community; including, faculty/staff and students.

14. How do I obtain a personal trainer? | Back to top.
Visit the Personal Training webpage 查看我们的培训师或停留在前台查看培训师的投资组合. 下学期个人培训收费待定. 合同和付款将在开业时在前台处理.

15. Where can I find information on hours and use of the pool? | Back to top.
Riseman水上运动中心由校园娱乐办公室运营. Contact Parker Sheppard, associate director of aquatics and safety, for more information at (813) 257-3845 or via email at psheppard@tiemles.com. For center hours, visit Fitness and Recreation Facility Hours.

16. How far is it around the track? | Back to top.
赛道长四分之一英里,跑完一英里需要跑四圈. 行人应走外车道,并沿轨道交通方向行驶. 跑道从黎明到黄昏开放,由体育部管理. If it is ever found locked during those times, 露天看台旁边有一个卡接入点,你可以在那里刷卡进入. 请不要撑开大门或允许其他人进入后面的设施.

17. How do I play intramural sports? | Back to top.
Visit the Intramural Policies and Procedures webpage for more information. 在那里你会找到一个链接到IM联赛网站创建你的球队或注册成为一个自由球员. Contact Joshua Pullens at jpullens@tiemles.com for more information.

18. I want to play intramural sports but don't have a team. Is there a way I can still play? | Back to top.
Sign up as a free agent. 如果其他团队需要更多成员,他们会挑选你加入他们的团队. 如果有足够的自由球员申请者,将从这些申请者中创建一个团队. Contact Joshua Pullens for more information at jpullens@tiemles.com.

19. What off-campus trips are available? | Back to top.
Visit the Off-Campus Trips webpage for details.

20. How do I start a club sport? | Back to top.
联系Joshua Pullens,竞技体育的助理主任,在 jpullens@tiemles.com.

21. How do I reserve space in the Cass Gymnasium? | Back to top.
Please send an email to Christopher Gottlick at cgottlick@tiemles.com

22. Where is the Cass Gymnasium? | Back to top.